A few moments ago, Preston emailed the YouthCUE staff announcing that, as of 10:34pm CST, April 30, 2013, the all-new YouthCUE website is now live online! Four years in the dreaming and two-years in the making, this website is a remarkable piece of web craftsmanship, designed from the ground up for the particular needs and challenges of the YouthCUE Network.

I am very grateful to Preston for his tireless work on this project. The number of hours spent in the planning and development of the new website cannot be calculated, because we have been talking about it and dreaming of it in small groups, large groups, in staff meetings, and one-on-one for the better part of four years. The lonely work of programming behind the scenes easily adds up to hours in the thousands.

Preston, YouthCUE and its membership thanks you for your hard work, creativity, innovation, vision, and skill. We are very grateful to you for your love for this organization and your commitment to the YouthCUE mission!

As time goes on, more and more functionality and interactivity will be revealed to the users. I encourage all of us to jump in early and to learn how to use the website as we go. As a member, you will have the ability to interact with others across the world, to post, ask questions, and be a full participant in the YouthCUE network.

Becoming a member is FREE. All you need to do is create a USER NAME and PASSWORD, and you’re ready to go. Make sure you write down this information and keep it handy so you will not be slowed down by having to request your log-in information over and over again. Come back often, because there will be constant additions and new information.

Welcome to the all-new YouthCUE website! Our hope and prayer is that this will be a highly valuable new resource to all those who minister to students through choral music!

Best blessings to all!